Climate redress in Africa with the IRM of the GCF

14 August 2024

  • Aina ya tukio Webinar
  • Ushiriki
    Fungua kwa umma
  • Date 14 August 2024
  • Mahali Virtual

Mfumo huru wa Redress (IRM) unashughulikia malalamiko ya watu ambao wanaamini kuwa wameathiriwa vibaya au wanaweza kuathiriwa na miradi au mipango inayofadhiliwa na Mfuko wa Hali ya Hewa ya Kijani (GCF).

To raise awareness about its mission and values in Africa, the IRM is hosting a virtual webinar for civil society organisations and local community leaders. 

The webinar will be in English and interpreted in French and Arabic.

Date: Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Time: 10:00 - 12:00 Lagos / 18:00 - 20:00 Seoul

Register here 


Note: This event is open to the public, and participants will be visible to each other. You can join the meeting anonymously by selecting a guest name of your choice before connecting to the webinar. You also have the option to rename yourself once you're connected to the webinar.